take-out vehicle: paper sleeve
cost: $3
Once a to-go blogger, always a to-go blogger, I suppose. I spotted the bright yellow Last Call Dogs truck at the Levon Helm concert on Saturday and, despite my new appreciation for local and organic foods, I just couldn't restrain myself. I mean, I can't deny myself all the joys of life just because I'm trying to eat and live a little healthier.
But, while I stand by a fledgling locavore's right to order a processed hot dog here and there, my actual decision about what to order still confuses me. So, for lack of a better reason, I'll blame this guy. See, he and I go way back, and prior to his visit several months ago, I scoped out some vegan-friendly fare downtown, lest he be forced to starve. I actually found some good stuff, and ever since I've been bizarrely fascinated with vegan food.
Until Saturday, that is. It turns out that—unlike some other mobile eateries—Last Call Dogs is not the place to indulge in one's bizarre gastronomic fascinations. I won't say it was the worst thing I ever ate, but that's only because I don't mind the taste of white bread, mustard, relish, and onions. Oh yes, there was a vegan dog in there somewhere, but it was only detectable through its mass. While that's great if you're hungry, it's kinda crappy if you actually like hot dogs.
In case you're as curious as I was, the friendly Last Call Doggers told me that the vegan dog I paid $3 for was a Smart Dog®. Had I ordered a regular, non-vegan Last Call Dog, I would've gotten a Nathan's® brand dog, which are really good. So, despite my best efforts, I guess I really did deny myself one of the joys of life.
Oh well.
you should have consulted me. i'd have steered you clear of the SmartDog and sent you looking instead for a TofuPup. much better. best vegan hot dog for my money. i hate to say it, friend, but you should have eaten the Nathan's dog.